Southeast Latam

Southeast Latam

Southeast Latam

The first blog dedicated to share top stories on Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay tech outsourcing capabilities

The first blog dedicated to share top stories on Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay tech outsourcing capabilities

The first blog dedicated to share top stories on Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay tech outsourcing capabilities

Website Design

Webflow Development

The project

Design and develop a blog to generate content about Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay tech outsourcing capabilities.



Main considerations

Target audience

The target audience are US-based companies. There is a growing demand for outsourcing tech capabilities in Latam from the US given similar time zone, affordable rates, comparable talent, and culturat fit.

The concept

This countries have never been promoted as a sub-region before, and therefore, it’s important to introduce the concept to our target audience and not jump straight to the blog.

It has to be a brand of its own and not be associated with any development agency. This will allow to maintain objectivity and to empower different agencies to publish articles that can eventually help expand the audience and content-generating capabilities.


The subregion is positioning as being top-level, so I considered a minimalistic and elegant design could serve to this purpuse.

Design process


The first thing I did was to define the different sections to include in site. Usually in a Blog the first things you see are the articles but since “Southeast Latam” concept was new, I decided that instead of diving right into the articles, there was going to be a section that explained what the site was about and why this region made sense for tech outsourcing.

Inspiration & References

The site was going to have an elegant and minimalistic style, and I also had the idea to use a soft beige or grey color for the background (a usual practice in Blog sites). With those filters in mind, I headed to Dribbble to look for some inspiration and found plenty of snapshots that helped me define the style, the color pallete, and also some layout options.

Design Foundations & Visual Elements





Playfair Display








How it started..

Looking better..

There you go!

Final Design

Ultimatelly, I designed three pages: Blog landing page, Contact section, and the Blog post.

Webflow development

Webflow development

Want the truth? I didn't know how to use Webflow before this project. I had to spend many hours at Webflow University, on Youtube, and asking colleagues for help to build the site.

Now, you might be asking why I suggested the client to use Webflow when I didn’t master the tool, right?

First, I must admitt I already knew the fundamentals of HTML & CSS and I had developed other sites in Framer (another no-code tool) so I trusted myself to be able to deliver this.

Second and most important, I knew that Webflow Content Management System (CMS) was extremelly powerful and easy to use even for non-techincal users like my client, so it was a huge value added for them to have this in order to manage the blog articles in an easy way and without the need to develop it for themselves (more time and more budget).

And third, where is the fun withouth the challenge? ;)

The site is not yet live because the client is still working on the blog posts. But in the meantime you can access the Figma prototype here.

Final thoughts

I really enjoyed the opportunity to design something completely different from my previous work, and also to be able to explore and learn how to develop it on Webflow, which later became really useful and allowed me to keep on offering this service to new clients.

Moreover, this project refreshed the idea that there are many design resources out there, and that sometimes it’s not necessary to re-invent the wheel and it’s better to really take the time to deep-dive into these resources and references to gather inspiration in order to land your own original designs. I believe that at least for many MVP-stage products that's key to being able to launch quickly, deliver the product to the intended users, and see if there is actual demand for it.

Finally, and since I mentioned design resources, its important to understand that endless resources will serve for nothing if there is not a clear idea of the product that is being designed. Its important to go through the process of understanding your audience and the problem you are solving, also to establish the message that you want to communicate, and the way that the brand will position itself. Once you have defined those important aspects is when there is room to play and explore different styles, layouts, and design variables.

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Contact me

Lets talk! I enjoy conversations about design, product strategy, and business

Feel free to reach out here:

